Personalised DISABILITY SUPPORT for you

ConneXu provides support tailored to the individual needs of each disabled person we partner with. We will work with you however you choose - for all or any of the things that are important to you, giving you the control to decide what is right for you. We work with disabled people across the wider Waikato District, Bay of Plenty, and the Lakes District. Learn more….

Support for a range of disabilities

The ConneXu team have experience supporting people with a wide range of disabilities including: intellectual, physical, sensory or cognitive as well as traumatic brain injury. We can also work with you to provide personalised support in the areas of mental health and under the ACC, Living My Life program.

Tēnā koutou e te hikuroa

Ko tā mātou mīhana i te kaipākihi o Connexu,  he taituarā anō ki ngā tānagata whaikaha me ō rātou hiahia pono.

Otirā, akiaki ai ō rātou hono, whānaungatanga, ahurea tuariki, hāhi,  rānei mā te painga o te taha wairua, taha hinengaro, taha tinana, taha whānau. Nā te mea, he ōrite te tūmmanako ā mei kore ake te wā hononga.

Nō reira, ka mahi tonu mātou ki te manaaki ai ngā tāngata whaikaha me te hauora o rātou tūranga i tenei ao.

“Ko te pai tawhiti whāia kia tata, ko te pai tata whakamaua kia tina”.

Greetings to you all

Our mission at ConneXu is to assist our disabled partners with leading a meaningful life.

And indeed, encourage the importance of their cultural identity, religious and holistic connections for the benefit of their spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and social wellbeing. 

And so, we will work towards providing care for our disabled partners and develop a positive direction for them in this world.

“Seek out distant horizons and cherish those you attain”.


Funding - can we help?

We’ll advocate alongside you to help you secure the best funding for your particular needs. We work with all major funding providers including the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Health & ACC. Learn more…